At St. John’s, we welcome extravagantly, we advocate for justice for all, and we provide the Bread of Life
through communion, worship, fellowship, and service to others.
We offer a multitude of programs and initiatives in support of those seeking nourishment - physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Jesus said: “. . . for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me. . . Truly I tell you, just as you did it to the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
– Matthew 25: 35-40
– Matthew 25: 35-40
Here are some of the regularly occurring opportunities for service at St. John’s. Check our Calendar
for special events or opportunities.
for special events or opportunities.
THE LARGEST TABLEThe Largest Table is one of St. John’s most significant missions of outreach and service. Every Wednesday for over a decade, our committed group of volunteers has served a hot, home-cooked lunch to more than 200 of our homeless and marginally-house neighbors.
Our volunteers come from a variety of backgrounds, ages, organizations, and even religions! No matter our differences, every Wednesday we unite to be servants in the service of others. Would you, your family, organization, or business like to learn more? Contact us or click here to learn more about the Largest Table. The Largest Table worship and meal happen each Wednesday at noon in the Undercroft of Trinity Episcopal Church, 125 E. Broad Street. |
THE OPEN SHELTER PARTNERSHIPThe Open Shelter assists individuals and families seeking shelter, assistance, and treatment through a variety of services. The staff also provides meals, clothing, personal hygiene items, tarps and sleeping bags, to those living on our city’s streets, tending to the needs of our most vulnerable neighbors.
Visit The Open Shelter website to learn more about how you can help the least of these in our neighborhood. SOUTHSIDE COMMUNITY MINISTRIES FOOD PANTRYAs a ministry partner with The Southside Community Ministries Food Pantry, St John's volunteers time and food to this important ministry, serving the 43206.43205 and 43207 areas.
The Food Pantry is open the last full week of each month, and welcomes volunteers! Contact them at 614-444-1669. |
If you’re looking to get connected
beyond Sunday mornings, we have something just for you. |
A heartfelt thankfulness that make us generous. Less as a duty than as the least we can do in response to all God does for us.
There is so much more happening at St. John’s outside of our Sunday morning services. Check out our other upcoming events and opportunities!